Thursday, May 21, 2009

Living Long, Living Strong!

I decided to write another entry and angle on my physical progress, as I hope someone is motivated and encouraged if he or she is working to improve their health and fitness.

I have always been passionate about health and fitness, and even now call myself an athlete despite the fact that I probably have very little natural athletic ability. I remember thinking in the past that I would really like helping others, especially those in my age group (fifty plus), to get fit and lean. I shied away from that because as I did indeed approach that age, I could not even solve my own fitness issues satisfactorily. A personal trainer started me on the right track and finally I did resolve those issues, as
I wrote about in an earlier blog. I will not digress and repeat myself, but you may go back a few entries and read that about that.

It was and is very rewarding to accomplish a set goal. So now I do feel that I can really help others do the same. That is why I recently became a Beachbody coach. I have been using BB workouts for a couple of years now and have become very familiar with the company. Their return policy and integrity impressed me from the very beginning. Not only that, but the products do what they are touted to do if you use them correctly. It's only a ten-year-old company but is growing in an impressive way.

As I continued to mull over how I could be of help to others lookin
g to reach their fitness goals, it seemed the only option was investment in a gym and equipment, etc. etc. I was not at all inclined in that direction. That's when I discovered the Beachbody's coaching program and I was intrigued, to say the least. At first I thought it to be just a mentoring program, which it is, but on closer inspection I found it is actually a way to build a business it you care to work it. So after some deliberation I decided to become a coach. The investment is minimal, and actually, anyone can become a coach. Many of the ones signed up are just beginning their fitness journeys. There are so many contests. I have had such fun entering the WOWY (Work Out With You) contests. You just enter your daily workout and then others working out at the same time become your "success buddies." At the end of the workout you can chat with those who have just completed their workout too. Every day a workout is chosen for cash and all kinds of other prizes. I have "met" and have been communicating with several of the buddies in TX. I just met one gal who basically lives down the road a couple of hours away from me. She is a taxidermist and is about my age, and we've had great fun exchanging notes about our fitness and coaching progress. I'm also entered in the monthly success story contest which is worth $1000.00 each month. If you win that you are automatically entered in the quarterly contest which is worth $10,000. And then there is the yearly contest worth $250,000.
Day 100

One of the neat things to me is the opportunity I have had to talk
to others about getting fit and into shape. People are doing that more and more at home instead of at the gym, because statistics say that people that work out at home save 288 hours and almost $1000/year. Those numbers would be even higher for me since I live out in the middle of nowhere!! As I have said before, it is especially rewarding to talk to people my age because the general attitude is that once it starts going downhill, well, that's just the way it is, you know, aging and all. Poppycock, I say! Get off your duff and you can do it too! What is the price of adding at least a dozen years to your life?

Check out my BB website at and read about my transformation. Find out more about the workouts, nutrition supplements, contests, and other fitness information. Let me help you learn about living long and living strong. What if YOU could get that way and then help others? That's the concept of Beachbody.

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Mom! I'm proud of you!

    I like going to the gym to work out because it's a destination and an item on my "to-do" list. If I wait until I get home to do it, I get distracted and my will to sweat decreases incrementally.
